One's destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things - Henry Miller

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week 5 - Nature's Challenges

First kiss this week is for the sound of rain on a tin roof backed by the chorus of frogs. As I snuggled into my pillows, who could believe Queensland was flooded and a category 5 cyclone was threatening?  All seemed completely right with the world.

My next kiss is for the peace and tranquility I find on my early morning walks... these two young escapees gave me quite a start as I rounded the barn.  They were on for a game before being returned to their paddock and played hide and seek with me  around the gum trees in the yard.

My last kiss is for our Premier, Anna Bligh and her superb leadership throughout the floods and cyclone crisis.  It has been a most challenging beginning to 2011 and she lead the way with compassion and understanding.

Cyclone Yasi crosses North Queensland

Fellow Queenslanders must be asking, "What else can the weather throw at us?"
Our area has escaped the worst of both wind and rain.
The creeks are flowing...
Come on in!

...cattle glowing,

And the weeds GROWING!!!

Giant Rat's Tail patrol
I wish Hobo 1 could get a break from this hot sultry weather that we've been having while he chases rat's tail grass, noogoora burr, lantana, parthenium...You name it.  We've got it!!!


  1. I know what you mean... we feel very lucky here (even if our roads still suck!).

    Some serious horns there - are they special? good luck with the weeds!

  2. She was an orphan heifer raised on a bottle and sentiment took over at branding time and her horns stayed.
